Kóryos Academy 

Leadership training for those whom chase the Sun

The Kóryos Tradition is an ancient institution designed to initiate men into their role as Leaders for their communities.

Historically this centred around securing lands and cattle, the prime status symbols of wealth in the ancient world. These fraternal organizations later shifted into the Chivalric Orders of the Middle Ages, most notable among them, the Knights of the Round Table.

Self reliance, teamwork, martial abilities, generosity, and Traditional wisdom are the key components to this process.

In an age of Darkness, we seek to claim the Sun as heralds of a new Dawn.

An Age of Heroes.

The aim of this project is to educate and empower those who earnestly seek Self Knowledge and refinement, that in turn they may be able to lead others along the path back to the Kingdom.

To Know thyself is the beginning of all wisdom.

- Socrates

For the Ancients, Ritual and a ritualistized life were the means by which not only societal order, but cosmic order was sustained.

There w̶a̶s̶ is no free lunch, action must be taken – and when action is taken in congruence with the potency of informed intent, via dialog with the Divine, it becomes blessed.

In Astrology this is known as Electional synchronisity, or what is more appropriately termed "The Royal Art".

These ritualized actions are symbolic vehicles for those Heavenly cycles and occurrences which weave the wyrd of reality, and when we synchronize our hearts and minds to their ebbs and flows, we enter into the liminal space of Magick.

For the Kóryos Tradition, even as it morphed into the Chivalric Orders of the Middle Ages, this function was principally situated upon Chasing, and Reclaiming the Sun – hence the Movement East to West.

Dawn comes for those heroes who seize it, and who claim the prize of the Day, to offer it as sacrifice for tomorrow to rise from the Ashes.