About Me

All my life I have been a student of Philosophy and Religion. I was brought up in the Southern Baptist community of Middle Tennessee, but always felt a draw to something deeper, which resonated more fully. Backpacking, mountain climbing, bushcraft and martial training have remained constant all this time, and I attribute this calling to Nature.

I joined the military in 2010 and before long found myself living on the tiny island of Okinawa in the middle of the Pacific ocean. The people there introduced me to Shinto Buddhism, alongside the distinctly Pagan folk practices of the indigenous population. The cult of the Dead, Ancestor worship, Warrior ethos. It was a new world, and I soaked it up.

Upon my return to America, I became deeply interested in my own ancestral traditions, and it was about this time that the revolution in ancient DNA sequencing took storm. Long held theories connecting holy texts such as the Vedas to the Norse Eddas, and tales of the Tuatha Dé Danann alongside Greek, Roman, and Baltic all were forming into a great World tree of the Indo-Europeans. A tree rooted in a people, and a people with a distinct spirituality. The gods showed up for me.

I began to see a theme emerge, one which followed the course of the Sun. I saw the spread of the Koryos Tradition, bringing language and genes East to West, from Ancient Siberia to Modern America…where the Sun sets/”dies”.

I joined a Germanic pagan community and began to seek in earnest. Crossing the continent twice on motorcycle while studying Comparative Religion and Philosophy at university.

I searched in Iceland and Ireland, the U.K, France, and Belgium, following the song of my soul.

During this time, I took formal initiation under Yangsi Rinpoche, and began working within the current of Vajrayana Buddhism. These practices would be refined within the scope of North European Heathenry and remain with me today.

During Midwinter the Great Conjunction of 2020, I lead a small group of men in a recreation of the original Koryos ritual outlined IE myth and at the cult site of Krasnosamarskoe. Shortly thereafter I began formal training in Hellenistic Astrology to better understand the mythology I had entered into.

In the Summer of 2021, I went to commune with the spirit of Ayahuasca - this was life changing, and the message I received resounded loudly. “Do you know who you are?” Amidst the blend of Shamanism, New Age ideas, and My own, I saw something Solar and Regal come through. I knew this was my path.

On my 33rd birthday, to begin 2023, I made a promise to myself - and during a private ritual with the help of Sacred Mushroom and Mead, I vowed to bring all I have to offer to the service of others on this path. It is my dream to transition this to a full-time endeavor, to bring about authentic Graal Kingdoms once more. First, by aiding others in their own raid upon the inner darkness. The means by which the Sun is claimed, and Dawn renewed.

The Graal is service, it is reciprocity, and it is what is needed now more than ever in this time.

It is claimed by those who have chased, and obtained the Sun.


For those interested in the underpinnings of my practice - I am a member of a Heathen community called Harii and follow the Traditional Pythagorean/Platonic metaphysical world view and subscribe to the Monism/Panentheism model of understanding the gods/the One. Astrology and Runic work are my main divining tools, alongside daily ritual offerings to the pantheon my blood is aligned to, in order to ensure companionship.

Lo, I hung on that Terror Tree

Was it you, or was it me

For what was and is to come

Amor reborn from dying Sun

Iceland 2022

Iceland 2022

Goatfell, Isle of Arran, Scotland 2022